- The competition is open to undergraduate students of all disciplines.
- No student can be an author of more than one participating paper
- The research work need not necessarily. All the work you have done as part of projects
in courses, your summer research work,the B.Tech/B.E.Projects research program are
welcome, subject to the condition that it has in some way contributed towards research
in one of the themes listed below.
Team formation: 2 max.( All team members are not required to be enrolled
at the same institution)
Round 1: Abstract Submission
- An abstract of about 250-300 words (font size- 12) has to be submitted with the
topic of the abstract,the focus of the problem statement, scope of work, the idea
proposed, original work done and brief results and findings.
- The topic of the paper submitted can pertain to one of the tracks declared, if it
does not, the participant should mention the topic unambiguously under the topic
code 'others'.
- The abstract should be mailed to with subject (team
name) –Abstract Submission in this format.Last date of submission is 10-04-22.
Round 2: Full Paper Submission
- The shortlisted teams are required to submit their powerpoint presentation electronically
at with subject (Team Name) –Full paper Submission.
- The last date for submission of the full paper is 10-04-2022.
Final Round: PowerPoint Presentation During Bomma premiere
- The teams shortlisted after round I will be required to present the full paper,in
the form of PowerPoint presentation along with the hard copy of their powerpoint
- The teams will get 6 minutes to present their idea. They will then have 1 minute
to wind up. This will be followed by a question and answer session by judges and/or
students attending the ppt for 3 minutes duration. 15% marks will be deducted for
every minute exceeded after 10 minutes. Both the members of the team should present
the slides.
- The length of submitted papers must be no more than 8 single-spaced, single-column
pages including all figures, tables, and bibliography.
- The team should reach the venue one hour before the event.
- The team members are responsible for their own belongings.
- Judges’ decision shall be final and binding on all.
- The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they
deem fit. Change in rules, if any will be highlighted on the website and notified
to the registered participants.
- E-mails will be sent to selected participants within 48 hours of online declaration
of results. Because the emails may be identified as spams by some mail systems,
some authors will not receive their emails correctly.
Faculty Coordinator
- 9676113995
Student Coordinator's
G.MEGHANA - 8978009953
N.UDAY - 8247816967