*** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***           *** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***           *** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***          
Short film should present a message to the society. Theme can be of the contestant’s interest.
Online registration will close by 10-04-2022
E-mail Id for online registration: commonevents@bomma.ac.in
Spot registration can be done if entries are available.

The number of participants should be 4- 7 respectively.
Length of the movie should not exceed 10 mins.
The camera used for the film can be of any kind either a cell, camera or a handy cam.
Movies should be in the specified formats only '.avi'
Registration fee per head is Rs. 100/- .

April 12th 11 A.M onwards

Main Coordinator :-
K. Meena - 7032071681
V. Balakrishna - 7032071681