Registration dates:
- Last date for Registration on or before 18-04-2024
- Registration fee RS .100 /-
- Modern Transportation system
- Green Buildings.
- Metro rail Project.
- Global Environmental Issues.
- High performance concretes.
- Corrosion of Reinforced concrete columns.
- Earthquake Resistance buildings.
- Shortcrete technology.
- Eco system.
- Hydro power Generations.
- Rs & Gis Importance in civil engineering.
- We must Accept all Topics related to the point of civil engineering.
- Maximum numbers allowed per team is 2 numbers.
- Maximum time for topic is 10 minutes.
- Poster size must be standard size chart.
- Giving priority to the Whose are registering by online.
- Timings of Event : 10:30am to 12:30pm..
- Your Information must be conformed by the Right corner of the bottom of poster.
Faculity Coordinator
G. NAGESH - 9177866171
Student Coordinator's
A. NAVYA - 9392562448
G. AJAY KUMAR - 8367589390
Email Id: