*** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***           *** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***           *** REGISTRATION LAST DATE 10th April 2025 ***          
Registration dates:
  • Last date for Registration on or before 18-04-2024
  • Registration fee RS .100 /-

  1. Modern Transportation system
  2. Green Buildings.
  3. Metro rail Project.
  4. Global Environmental Issues.
  5. High performance concretes.
  6. Corrosion of Reinforced concrete columns.
  7. Earthquake Resistance buildings.
  8. Shortcrete technology.
  9. Eco system.
  10. Hydro power Generations.
  11. Rs & Gis Importance in civil engineering.
  12. We must Accept all Topics related to the point of civil engineering.

  1. Maximum numbers allowed per team is 2 numbers.
  2. Maximum time for topic is 10 minutes.
  3. Poster size must be standard size chart.
  4. Giving priority to the Whose are registering by online.
  5. Timings of Event : 10:30am to 12:30pm..
  6. Your Information must be conformed by the Right corner of the bottom of poster.

Faculity Coordinator
G. NAGESH - 9177866171

Student Coordinator's
A. NAVYA - 9392562448
G. AJAY KUMAR - 8367589390

Email Id: civilroyalz@bomma.ac.in